Friday, January 18, 2008


I just finished a Photoshop class that I took online. I thought I should present the final exam. We could pick any theme and any photos to work with. Since it was a Photoshop class the main goal was not to present your best photos, but the best improved photos. I choose to do three grunge photos,which was one of the type of techniques we learned during the 16 week class.

Golden Gate, San Francisco

City Hall, Stockholm, Sweden

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

I thought the dirty grunge theme would be interesting to combine with beautiful buildings, just to see how it came out. I'm pretty happy with the result, even though grunge and famous buildings might not go that well together. Click this link for an untested grunge instruction I put together.


Unknown said...

These are really nice Mikael! I like them because it's as if you discovered these old postcards in the bottom of your grandfather's leather suitcase that's been sitting in the attic since WWI. Nice stuff ... I'd like to hear more about the process.


Mikael said...

Here is a link to an (untested) instruction I put together to explain how to create a grunge photo in Photoshop: I hope the instruction works for you.