Caught this shot during a short hike I did with my wife on Christmas day. I know, that is some time ago and I should have posted it earlier. Nevertheless, here it is and I'm pretty happy with the result. It is always nice when you actually catch that view that appears in front of you. I think it is a pretty nice Christmas view. :-) Don't you think?

Here is another image from that same hike that also turned out pretty good. The bark on the tree was really glowing in the sun rays finding their was through branches and leafs above it. This was one of those split second shots, where we were on our way home and I shouldn't really have stopped for another shot. Luckily I went in close to the tree and quickly grabbed a few images. This image needed increased saturation and light to get closer to hat I actually saw, as I had to underexposure to not blow out the highlights. It might be a good candidate for a single exposure HDR.

Worth mentioning is that I've totally reinstalled my PC. After two years it was badly needed. I took the opportunity to add 500 GB hard drive as an extra backup. I'm currently evaluating
SyncBack for the backups, it seems like a very good program. I easily run backs every day now, which feels a lot safer than those cumbersome manual backups I use to do every week. I will also add two monthly DVD backups, one stored off-site, to make it closer to waterproof. I highly recommend you to do something similar, I sleep better at night now.