One early morning on my way to the airport heading for a business trip, my current favorite lake Gröen was covered by a mysterious looking mist. Even though I was late for the flight I stopped to make a few quick shots. I shot in manual mode at ISO 200, 50 mm, 1/2000, f/2.8, with my Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 on my D300. I made it in time for my flight. :-)

Almost ten days later on my way home from the airport, returning from another business trip, the sun was almost setting so I stopped at the same lake. Having more time at hand then earlier I spent some time trying to find nice compositions of the green and blue colors, as well as color patterns in the trees. With the camera set to Vivid mode the colors exploded. I just love that mode when the right scene appears infront of me and this was one of those scenes. I used both my 17-50 mm and my 70-300 zooms, and at various ISOs. The light was changing rapidly so I had to adjust the ISO several times.

It's amaazing when you consider these two images being from the same scene, only at different times of the day. The light really makes a difference. For a slideshow of the complete photo set
click here.