Once again I visisted the very nice area of Kvarnbyn. About a month ago a shot the demolition area in the neighborhood and I have also done other parts of the area. I would recommend any photographer to spend a few hours there to get interesting photographs. It works well with all kinds of weather since you don't have to inlcude the sky if you don't want to. The old type of environment works well for black & white too.
This time I focused on the water from the lake Stensjön above the falls as well as the upper parts of the fall itself. I opted for both black & white, as well as color photos. The
last image of the set is an HDR, using Photomatix and Photoshop. I did not shot three separate images, but instead used the RAW image to produce thre images with 1 EV separation in Lightroom.
Since the beginning of this year I only shoot RAW, having the camera set to lossless compressed RAW, which seems to be OK.
I hope the images works well for you too. I'm really happy with this set. As you might have seen lately, I only publish the few best images, which is my future goal as well, unless the image set is a documentary where I would like to tell as story or just share images from an event.
I have a tool recommendation for you. If you want cool web image viewer I would strongly advice you to install
Cooliris. With Firefox, it works nicely as a plug-in for both images and videos.
You can watch the complete set of images by
clicking here. Please comment on the images below or at my Flickr account, both negative and positive feedback is welcome. Until next time - happy shooting.